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How to calm an active mind?

I guess this also applies to my son and not only me.

My brain can get ideas all over the place.  My best way to keep track of project ideas is a notebook.  I've gotten on the Hobonichi Techo planner bandwagon for 2019, and I'm hoping that will get me in the mood to be thoughtful about my projects.

I've spent the last couple of days cleaning my mom's sewing table - removing old projects (ones that have sat there for a number of years, and are best donated to those who could use the items as is, vs. altered in some way to fit a family member)...organizing the tons of "stuff" that lurked in the drawers...and vacuuming up termite poo.  You can see the table top again!  My family joked that a blanket my mom had started, but never finished (she basted several layers together), could be a family "heirloom" because if I don't finish it, I can always leave it to my daughter to finish.

HAH. Like I'd let that happen.  I have to finish it.

Funny thing is - I don't know if anyone in my immediate family could use it.  It's a BABY blanket.  It's about 1 yard squared.  Everyone in the family is 6+ years or older.  Wait.  I have a cousin.  One 15-month old baby...and another on the way.  AH.  Someone to give it to!

Thus begins my endeavor to calm my active (or in some cases, overly active) mind.  Write things down.  And I have to write them legibly.  I've watched several videos on neat handwriting (this one is my favorite).  And at one point - I did have neat handwriting this year.  Then I had to switch to a new notebook (ran out of pages in the first one) - and my handwriting went to crap.  My intent (not goal, heaven forbid it be a "goal", cuz they just don't work with my DNA) is to practice enough so that it becomes reflexive/instinctive vs. mindful intention ("I have to slow down to write neatly", "Form each letter individually", etc). 

I remember one teacher in 8th grade making a comment to my mom at Parent Teacher Conference.  "Why does your daughter turn in typed work?  Why doesn't she write it?"  My mom's response - "Have you seen her handwriting? You should be glad that she is typing out her homework."

Since then, typing has always come easily to me.  I'd rather type than write.  However, it's only taken me 30+ years to realize - if I write it down multiple times, I'll remember it more than keeping it on some digital notes program.  And I'm kinda enjoying writing in notebooks.  Especially notebooks that are cute and cool.  Grid-like, evenly spaced.  With a good thin pen (0.28-0.3mm in thickness is my preference).  I haven't embraced washi tape or stamps or highlighters and fancy pens (as my daughter has). But I might get there eventually. 

So what to do next?  I'm encouraging my son to write.  He has notebooks all over the place, but my preference for him is to use primary notebooks - half page that is blank, and half page that is lined for primary writers.  His handwriting needs improvement (guess I know where he got that from), so any opportunity for him to practice writing is good.  We've gotten into Ghostbusters World and have actively caught a good variety of ghosts. His memory is excellent, and he can remember different facts about each ghost.  But for him to write it all - to get something out of it - that would be an accomplishment.  If all goes according to my "evil" plan, maybe I can get some photos...


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